Infrared Sauna Buyers Guide & Consumer Reports
Before You Spend $2 - $5k On A Sauna, Get Educated On The Scams So You Can Spot Them Before Handing Over Your Hard Earned Cash!
This is like an insurance policy for your wallet, so you don't buy in to some infrared scam from a clever sauna salesperson (and end up with a pile of expensive high emf firewood!)
When I was trying to buy a good sauna without spending my entire bank account, sauna sales people were looking to take advantage of me left and right.
- Buy today before the price goes up
- Our sauna is the best
- You have to have full spectrum in order to get a complete detox
- Near infrared penetrates deeper than far infrared
- So-and-So's sauna brand is lacking because of "X" feature (entirely made-up)
- Our heaters are the ONLY ones on the market with 99% emmissivity
Holy shit. Make me a vodka before I can even get off the phone with these fools...
I mean really, it should not be this difficult to get a healing piece of equipment in my home. We're already in a vulnerable state if not feeling well, and even for those that are in great shape, they just want athletic performance enhancement without getting zapped with EMF's.
Trouble is, every time you call a sauna company, all they do is feed you a line of BS!
So I said to myself... "if I ever get a handle on all this and get it figured out, I'm going to do something about it after the fact."
This course is my doing something about it, and in a big way.
The intention is to put the power back in the hands of the consumer (you), so you know EXACTLY what to look for before you say okay to any sauna company.
So many people are getting blindsided these days by all kinds of crazy things. For example, people are being talked in to buying a $3,000.00 near infrared tent sauna, that is nothing more than 4 - $10 bulbs from home depot, a wooden stick frame, and some cloth to drape over the top.
I don't know about you, but where I come from, that is highway F**king ROBBERY!!! $3k and you don't even get a glass door? Get out of here with that nonsense... (special bonus: for those of you who are really wanting near infrared heat lamp bulbs, I put a special section at the very end that shows you how to add them to any far infrared sauna on the market... for less than $100 dollars.)
That should help a lot of people avoid being taken advantage of for high priced nonsense.
But I bought into some scams when I was feeling like crap too. It's amazing what you will do to help yourself when things get that bad... I've definitely been there.
Who's this for?
So, if you're looking to get a good low emf infrared sauna, to use for detox, health or healing, or just overall longevity or performance improvement, and actually care about low emf, this is for you.
Sauna companies will lie through their teeth every which way to Sunday about EMF levels. In this course, I'm going to teach you how to spot the Tom Foolery, and I'm going to personally take you by the hand and show you what true low emf saunas really look like.
Most sauna companies will say they have a low emf sauna, but really they just mitigate one type of EMF in their saunas. It turns out, saunas have three (3) separate types of EMF in them, and I'm going to teach you how to ask about all 3, so you don't get taken to the cleaners on your purchase.
What this course will do for you?
Number one, and the single most important thing before spending $$$$ thousands of dollars on a piece of health equipment, is piece of mind.
I'm going to educate you enough so you will have confidence navigating the sea of bullshit in the sauna industry.
Second, you will never have to second guess whether the sauna you end up buying is safe or not. You will know, WITH CERTAINTY, that the sauna you have in your own home is truly low emf all the way around, safe for children or sick family members, and you yourself will be able to relax comfortably knowing you made the right choice.
Should you buy this?
Only buy this if having a true low emf sauna matters to you and your family. If a little proprietary education that can save you thousands in making a poor product purchase decision is worth a couple bucks to you, then get this now before you buy anything.
Ultimately, what this means for you and your family, is you will get more enjoyment out of your sauna, learn the most valuable pieces to the sauna puzzle, and be armed with knowledge that would have cost you thousands of dollars to learn if you had to buy all the emf meters and test equipment to do it yourself.
My hope, is that this course saves just one person out there from buying a high emf infrared sauna. There may be parents out there getting ready to put their children through the aluminum detox protocol for autism, people battling diseases that can be exacerbated by ultra high emf's, and even regular people like me that had heavy metals from mercury amalgam fillings as a child, and needed to detox them out safely to get my health back.
Whatever it is for you, I guarantee you will not find the information in this course anywhere. No one is going to take you by the hand, sit inside the sauna with you on live video, show you emf levels, and explain how sauna companies bait and switch you.
Your Instructor

Course Curriculum
Start"No EMF" Sauna Scams (hint: zero emf does not exist & I show you how to check)
StartLow Magnetic Fields Does Not Mean LOW EMF
StartElectric Fields: The Type Of EMF That Every Sauna Company Doesn't Want You To Know About
StartThere Are 3 Types Of EMF In Any Sauna: Here's How To Know What To Ask To Verify Low EMF
StartCostco Saunas: Why It's Treacherous Buying A Sauna From Costco (thinking it's low emf like the listing says)
StartAmazon Saunas: Buyer Beware!!! (how do overseas vendors get away with false advertising on Amazon)
StartNew Lecture
StartI'm Going To Show You The In's & Out's Of EMF Meters For Saunas (without you having to spend hundreds buying them)
StartTrifield Meters: Beware Of Single Setting Measurements & Accuracy
StartSauna Facebook Groups Lack EMF Control Measurements (you need to know this)
StartDo NOT Base A $5,000 Purchase Decision On Someone's Cell Phone EMF Video (using a $30.00 EMF meter)
StartIf You See Someone Testing A Sauna For EMF's With An Acoustimeter AM-10... RUN!
StartThe Bottom Line: What EMF Levels You Want To See In Order To Buy Your Sauna With Confidence
Start"A Cell Phone Has An EMF Levels Of 20, Our Saunas Are Less Than 10." (used car salesman scam alert!!!)